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I just completed my novel, The Gilded Saidara, yesterday. Well, technically I finished it around 02:00 or so this morning.

It knackered me to keep writing all the way up to the end, but I seriously needed to push the last few words into the novel. I just wanted to get it finished once and for all.

Would you like to see?

This was from Day 18.

This is today's, Day 22.

What's The Novel About?

It's a fantasy. It's a story about magic, and crime, and investigation. It's a story featuring a romance, and attraction, and murder, and love, and grief.

The novel is about friendship, and duty, and family, and personal evolution. It is about people with a mission, and people having to make decisions. It's about brief reunions and bitter departures, and longing and suffering.

It is about endings, and changes. And it is also about beginnings. The beginnings of friendships, of new lives, of new phases in lives. The beginnings of a long, slow dance which will be played out in future novels of the series.

And it's about ... sixty thousand words long.

Which, considering it's book two o a story I began last year and only completed October 14 this year, kind of makes me a novelist, doesn't it?

So, yes. There you are. Day of rest today, for me, and then start doing something else tomorrow.

And also, I can return to this blog, and to The Plainclothes Clown next door. Until the next novel starts up in me. :)

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"And if we have unearned luck, now to scape the serpent's tongue, we will make amends ere long. Else the Puck a liar call ..."

So speak.