
XKCD "Click And Drag" - Zoomable Map

"Click And Drag," XKCD 1110, was an exploration of space, just as much as XKCD 1190, "Time," is an exploration of time.

"Click and Drag" featured an immense map of a world which, if printed out at 300 dpi, would be about 14 metres wide. It was scrollable, though that scrolling could take you forever and would likely wear out any mouse you were using - not to mention the wear and tear on you.

So someone came up with a "Click And Drag" map which is scrollable, zoomable, and has a Google Maps-style interface.

And it's here.

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"And if we have unearned luck, now to scape the serpent's tongue, we will make amends ere long. Else the Puck a liar call ..."

So speak.