
Caganerwatch 2012: Just Under A Month And A Half To Go ...

... and Caganerwatch 2012 will be on.

This is my response to the usual Christmas garbage that starts as early (in one memorable year) as early as the day after my birthday.

My birthday is June 30th..

Before I go further to highlight what is to come this year, a brief explanation of what a caganer is can be found [ here ] with a discussion on the custom's origins [ here ]. To summarise, it's a comical little scatological figurine that appears in the corner of some European Christmas Nativity scenes - a little red-capped man, squatting and pooing just inside of the edge of the picture shot. The links go into more in-depth speculation as to why.

And not to business. From the first mention of Christmas in a TV advert, right through to Christmas Eve, Caganerwatch will be on the lookout for general festive fails such as this:-

and this:-

... not to mention caganers such as this:-

and this:-

and this wee feller:-

to keep you occupied and entertained all the way up to December 24th. So you won't be tempted beyond belief to massacre everyone you see by December 25th.

We saw what happened last time.

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"And if we have unearned luck, now to scape the serpent's tongue, we will make amends ere long. Else the Puck a liar call ..."

So speak.